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✍ Mesothelioma survival Rates MORE INFORMATION ✅

Mesothelioma survival Rates : The mesothelium is a membrane that surrounds and protects internal organs Mesothelioma survival Rates. We find it in particular at the level:

  • lungs (pleura)
  • of the heart (the pericardium)
  • intestines (the peritoneum) 
  • testicles
  • ovaries

  Frequency  Mesothelioma survival Rates ✨ 

The  pleural cancer , called  malignant pleural mesothelioma  (MPM) alone accounts for over  80% of mesotheliomas . In the rest of this page, we will therefore present the information related to this particular type of mesothelioma. Mesothelioma survival Rates

More than 85% of MPM cases are due to exposure to asbestos .   Mesothelioma survival Rates

The MPM affects more men than women.

The MPM is usually diagnosed around age 60. 

It is a rare disease that affected 271 people in Belgium in 2016.

This figure has been increasing by around 25% per year since the 90s and will reach its peak around 2020 (the latency of this disease is very long, up to 40 years after the onset of exposure to asbestos). Mesothelioma survival Rates

😂  Causes and risk factors of mesothelioma survival Rates ⭐ 

Exposure to asbestos is a major risk of mesothelioma. The inhalation or ingestion of asbestos fibers suspended in the air is particularly the cause of mesothelioma or cancer:

• of the pleura (outer covering of the lungs)

• peritoneum (membrane surrounding the abdominal cavity)

The association between mesothelioma and exposure to asbestos fibers has been mentioned since the mid-1940s and has been demonstrated since 1960. In Belgium, the first laws prohibiting the use of asbestos date from the 1980s. Mesothelioma survival Rates

Interesting Reading:   ✍ Mesothelioma survival Rates MORE INFORMATION ✅

Other risk factors

The other risk factors are:

• the ionizing radiation

• other natural or industrial fibers (ceramics)

• the existence of chronic inflammatory processes

• exposure to beryllium and a number of chemical carcinogens

• the tobacco which multiplies the risks due to asbestos

The risks mainly concern people active in the

• asbestos production 

• shipbuilding

• insulation of buildings (before the entry into force of the asbestos ban)

• decontamination if the sites are poorly managed

In the specific case of asbestos, any person (including family) in contact with the worker’s professional clothing runs a risk of mesothelioma. In fact, these work clothes are also contaminated with asbestos.

Symptoms Mesothelioma survival Rates

The mesothelioma is often asymptomatic in its early stages of development. Symptoms may appear as the cancer progresses. Nonspecific signs, common to most mesotheliomas, are night sweats and weight loss. There are also symptoms specific to pleural mesothelioma and  peritoneal mesothelioma .

Pleural mesothelioma

• breathing problems , for example shortness of breath or wheezing

• cough that worsens or persists

• pain in the lower back or side of the chest

• hoarsely

• difficulty swallowing

Peritoneal mesothelioma

• pain in the abdomen

• disturbance in digestion, for example nausea , vomiting, or loss of appetite

• changes in intestinal transit (constipation or diarrhea)

• palpable mass in the abdomen

• swelling of the abdomen (ascites)

Usually, mesothelioma is manifested by chest pain or shortness of breath due to the presence of fluid in the pleura (pleurisy). Sometimes by a deterioration of the general state (significant fatigue, weight loss). These symptoms are, however, found in other diseases such as lung infections. In-depth analyzes will allow a diagnosis to be made. 

Interesting Reading:   🥇 Mesothelioma survival Rates MORE INFORMATION 🙂

Early detection of mesothelioma

There is currently no argument for performing systematic screening for  pleural mesothelioma  in patients exposed to asbestos, either radiologically or through biomarkers.

However, people who have been exposed for long periods to asbestos should benefit from monitoring in a specialized pneumological environment. 

Diagnostic examinations

The diagnosis is based on

• a biopsy sample by:

o thoracoscopy (if pleural mesothelioma is suspected) 

o laparoscopy  (if a peritoneal mesothelioma is suspected instead)

• a  microscopic analysis  of isolated cells obtained by biopsy

These exams are done under local or general anesthesia , depending on the case.

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